This page serves as the site for submitting votes on substantive motions brought before CPNO’s Membership during the monthly meeting.
- Each Member shall be entitled to one vote.
- Only Members of record on the Record Date shall be entitled to notice of a Regular Meeting, to demand a Special Meeting, to vote, or to take any other action. Unless the Board of Directors orders otherwise, the Record Date shall be the first day of each month.
- The voting period for all matters subject to Section 5 notice requirements (“Substantive Motions”) shall remain open for one calendar day beyond any Annual, Regular, or Special Meeting where the matter was introduced (“Voting Period”). However, with adequate advance notice and for good cause shown, the Board may shorten the Voting Period further in exceptional circumstances, if it determines that the matter is time-sensitive.
- All votes on Substantive Motions shall be certified as determined by the Board and shall include a verification by the Membership Officer or other Board designee that the Members of record for said vote is accurate and complete.
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