August 12, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Christina Hodgen, President.
The agenda was adopted by unanimous consent motion. The July Minutes were approved by unanimous consent motion.
The following people were present: Christina Hodgen, Chris Spruell, Sydney Boggess, Amy Wheeler, Stacee White, John Fleming, Jason Key, Larry Compton, Bonnie Palter, Greg Leutscher, and Nancy Porteous.
New Business
- “People Make the Place” donation $500.
- Historic District (Emily Taff)
- Requesting funds for yards signs and mailing
- Mary Lin Elementary
- Request for $15,000 donation for Habitat Project/Outdoor Classroom
- November meeting will be in person.
- Safety
- Larry Compton reports collaboration with Old Fourth Ward/Syracuse Survey
- CPNO Education Committee will meet Tuesday, August 13. New APS Superintendent is Ryan Johnson.
- Motion to appoint Amy Stout as chairman of the Nominating Committee passed.
- Membership eligibility has verified all but 43 members; 20 addresses need updating.
- Amy Wheeler
- a) Mulberry Fields requested their budgeted $500 donation for their Mulberry Fields Gone Wylde event on Saturday, September 21st. Treasurer paid.
- c) Still need two houses for Tour of Homes
- Safety
- reports of large groups of people partying in the Park after it closes at 11pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.