By Bonnie Palter, Secretary
September 9, 2024
Call to Order at 7:00 pm by Christina Hodgen, President. The motion to adopt the agenda passed. The motion for the approval of the August Minutes will be completed by email vote. Motion to appoint Lynley Teras and Risha Doster as Co-Chair of the Education Committee passed. Membership registration now has only 9 people unconfirmed as Candler Park residents.
- Infrastructure Committee has permit for their project.
- Membership
- Some Residents having difficulty accessing ‘Word Press’. They have been instructed to create a new account.
- Emily Taff – The Historic Designation Committee has a draft ready.
- Communications
- There is interest in placing “Candler Park” signs at the entrance to the neighborhood.
- Safety (Larry Compton)
- Recruiting for the Safety Committee.
- External Affairs – no report.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.