CPNO Board Meeting
CPNO Board Meeting
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.
Neighborhood Organization
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.
The Historic Designation Committee typically meets at 7pm on the 2nd Thursday of the Month, via Zoom. Email historiccandlerpark@gmail.com for meeting info and to get on the email list for notifications.
Discussion and input meeting with the Historic Designation Committee, Aaron Fortner, and City of Atlanta HP staff Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81294832776?pwd=TkxYWWt5bWFhSkhCVk42c1RWcmEydz09 Meeting ID: 812 9483 2776 Passcode: CPHD01 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81294832776#,,,,*326433# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,81294832776#,,,,*326433# US (Chicago)