CPNO Board Meeting
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.
Neighborhood Organization
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.
Thursday, Oct. 20, Community Meeting Discussion of moving forward with a potential Candler Park Historic District - this is an additional opportunity to understand what moving forward to Phase 2 of the historic designation initiative would mean. This will also be discussed at the Oct. 17 CPNO Member Meeting and there will be a vote to support […]
Fall Fest Take 2! Postponed due to the Hurricane, Fall Fest is on for November 12-13 in Candler Park! Come ready for food, music, artists booths and more! visit fallfest.candlerpark.org
Fall Fest Take 2! Postponed due to the Hurricane, Fall Fest is on for November 12-13 in Candler Park! Come ready for food, music, artists booths and more! visit fallfest.candlerpark.org
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.
The Zoning Committee meets the 1st Wednesday of the month. Zoning Committee meetings are open to the public: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87922978197?pwd=bzBNODdIamZzWjM3R0pRSEUvSmd5QT09 Meeting ID: 879 2297 8197 Passcode: zoning
CPNO Board Meetings typically occur on the 2nd Monday of the month and are open to CPNO members. For the meeting agenda and zoom link or location information, please email president@candlerpark.org.