Join us for live music and great food 6:00 to 11:00 pm on July 14 for the 3rd annual Mulberry Fields Gone Wylde party. All funds raised directly benefit the beautiful Mulberry Fields garden. Rain or shine:
Please join us at First Existentialist Congregation to discuss the bridge over Moreland. CPNO is organizing a community meeting on July 19 at 7:00. The purpose is to discuss the concept, rationale, pros/cons, and capture input from the community.
CPNO is organizing a community meeting on July 19 at 7:00 pm at the First Existentialist Congregation. The purpose is to discuss the concept, rationale, and pros and cons of the proposed project and to capture input from the community. Please mark your calendars for this meeting and join to share your ideas and concerns […]
Come at 6:00 to celebrate National Watermelon Day. Iced watermelon available for pre-movie picnics, along with seed-spitting contests and other watermelon hilarity. All in front of the pool house. Jumanji is rated PG13.