Do you live in Candler Park (or represent a business or own property in Candler Park)? If so, you are eligible to join the Candler Park Neighborhood Organization (CPNO). Membership is for the calendar year (you need to renew annually), confers voting privileges, and is free (but we happily accept donations). If you join by the first of the month, you can vote at that month’s meeting. Voting privileges extend to April 30, so to keep your privileges, renew next year between January 1 and April 30. If you are already a member and want to renew for this calendar year, RENEW instead.
Joining online is a two-step process. Fill out the form below and click or tap JOIN NOW. Then reply to the activation email you will get shortly. If you don’t see this email, check your spam folder. If there are any problems, email
For membership eligibility, Candler Park (the neighborhood) is defined as:
- EAST of Moreland Avenue,
- NORTH of DeKalb Avenue.
- WEST OF Clifton Road (even-numbers), and
- SOUTH of Clifton Terrace (odd-numbers) or on North Avenue.
When you join, we add your email to our mailing list. We email sparingly, primarily monthly meeting agendas, but occasionally other items of CPNO interest. By joining, you agree to our adding your email to our list; anti-spam policy requires that we state this but you can unsubscribe at any time.
What if you are a couple? About 80% of couples join individually, each with their own email, while the other 20% join with a compound name (e.g., Chris and Pat Jones) and just one email. In our voting procedures we have endeavored to accommodate members with compound names. This was easy to do with in-person meeting but as meetings and voting become hybrid (some in-person, some remote) this becomes more challenging.