Meeting are held in-person at the Old Stone Church (First Existentialist Congregation), 470 Candler Park Drive, and remotely via Zoom. Each time you attend remotely you need to register—click here for the link.
7:00 pm Call to Order and Begin Recording
- Welcome guests; Instructions on voting via a Zoom poll and in person
- NOTE ABOUT VOTING: You must be a member by the first of the month to vote
- This meeting will be recorded to allow for all neighbors to be informed and engaged.
- You must display your full name in Zoom and on your own device or your vote will not be counted, chat/email Sarah Cusick at if you don’t know how to do it.
7:05 pm Adoption of Agenda and Minutes
- Adoption of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes (
7:10 pm Guest speakers
- APD Zone 6 representative
- Mary Lin Principal Denise Bringslid
- GDOT PI 0016475, Ponce de Leon Ave. at Lullwater Creek
- Candler Park Conservancy signage update
- CPNO member opening new spa
7:35 pm Announcements
- Porch signs
- Apologies on minor voting snafu
- Block party budget reminder
- Easter Egg Hunt: Need volunteers
- Atlanta History Center Event in L5P
- Sweetwater 420 Fest dates and info
7:50 pm Items for Vote
- Variance V-25-046
- Fall Fest Budget
8:00 pm Membership Report
8:05 pm Treasurer’s Report
- February Actuals
8:15 pm Adjourn