This article appeared in the January 2017 issue of the Candler Park Messenger. This and previous issues of the Messenger can be found at
Originally published in The Constitution, Sunday, January 7, 1923 on page 7F and sourced from
image/26927332. Editor’s note: Some of the words in the pdf image of the article were illegible. In these instances, the unknown words are represented by …. .
Candler Park to Be Most Beautiful in All America According to Plans of City Engineer Kauffman
After accepting from Asa G. Candler a splendid tract of land in the beautiful Druid Hills section to be devoted to park purposes, the city government has caused the municipal engineer to draw the detailed plans for one of the most magnificent public amusement and recreation grounds that can perhaps be found in any city of the world.
These plans, which are presented in the drawing above, are now ready for the consideration of the city finance committee and the commissions of roads and revenues of DeKalb county, who are to provide funds for the full prosecution of the fine park program.
Not only do the plans drawn by City Engineer C. E. Kauffman contemplate one of the most beautiful park ideas ever presented to the officials of any American city, but the details worked out by the engineer are so complete in ensemble and so perfect in every particular that they have caused much admiration and favorable comment from every one who has seen them.
Golf. Tennis. Polo Grounds.
In preparing the plan for this park, declared City Engineer Kauffman, a review of the layout, conditions as they exist, and the proposed improvements should be taken thoroughly into consideration. And in the study he presented to the later park board, Mr. Kauffman not only worked out every minute detail concerning the roads, the avenues, walks, lakes and possible
playgrounds and buildings, but he provided space and areas for golf courses, tennis grounds, polo grounds, baseball park, swimming pool and an immense stadium, seating many thousands of people.
In other words, Mr. Kauffman refused to plan for this park at random, as he claimed most public parks have been planned, but chose to adopt systematic methods for providing the various features he felt should be adopted in this fine pleasure ground.
In planning Candler Park Mr. Kauffman also took into consideration accessibility, topographical and climate conditions as well as the possible layout of the driveways and lakes. These considerations were for the purpose of enhancing the beauty of the fine tract as well as for utilizing every feature that could be taken advantage of.
Looks Into Future
From the studies made by the city engineer he makes the following conclusions: That the proposed park should be totally at variance with all other city parks; That it should be a pleasure ground in every way in keeping with what Atlanta will some day be in the way of the south’s greatest city; That it should be a park, equal to, if not surpassing in beauty and utility, every park in the world at present; That it should be a place not only where the eye could be delighted with the beauty of the surroundings, but where the mind could be impressed and educated by the classical features, where the body could be strengthened by clean and delightful sports, and where the atmosphere would be noble, inspiring and refined.
With an area of …. acres, the park
grounds, said Mr. Kauffman, should be divided into the following parcels.
- The park proper, 15 acres.
- The playgrounds, about 7 acres.
- Park bath grounds and pools, about 5 acres.
- Golf links, about … acres.
All of these features, be declared, should be given plenty of space.
Entrance on McLendon
The park proper should be located at the southern end of the grounds with the main entrance on McLendon avenue, in the axis of Mell avenue, and opposite same should be the pedestrian entrance. West of this should be the drive entrance, near Mell avenue.
The pedestrian entrance should be upon a large plateau centered with a ….. column and surrounded by railing. This plateau leads to two grand terraces, then down a wide avenue …. to the …. grounds and to the play grounds and other amenities.
An immense sunken garden will be one of the noble features of the park overlooked from the pavillion. There will be a fine amphitheater with terraces, gentle upward grades on both sides of the avenue with a mid-pavilion in the center of the rotunde. Flower beds, gorgeous budding shrubs, etc. will enhance the beauty of this portion of the park.
Children Playgrounds
Children’s playgrounds will be one of the finest features of Candler park and these have been wellnigh perfectly provided for by City Engineer Kauffman. The swimming pools will also be large and classically beautiful.
The golf courses will also be a splendid feature of Candler park and these have been laid out with the utmost care. These will be on the north end of the park where there will
also be a clubhouse.
The ….. driveways will allow several automobiles to drive abreast, and they will curve gracefully about the landscape park.
All the buildings will be classic in their simplicity, and each of them will be designed with an eye for beauty as well as utility.
Every detail of the fine park has been worked out by Mr. Kauffman who presents his conception to the city fathers. He does not lead any one to believe that the park he has in mind can be built within a short time, saying very frankly that time will be required to make it the thing of beauty it should be.
The matter of providing money for the prosecution of the work on this park will be placed before the city finance committee in a few days, and then, after favorable action from that body, it will go to the commissioners of roads and revenues of DeKalb county, because of the fact that it lies within that county.