- Z-25-04: Administrative Variance application as companion to the Tree Protection Ordinance update (24-O-1691)
- What: This Ordinance will delete Section 16-26.003(2) Exceptions for Preservation of Mature Trees in its entirety. Further the Ordinance will add Section 16-26.008. The text will allow an administrative variance to zoning setbacks for the preservation of trees in R-1, R-2, R-2A, R-2B, R-3, R-3A, R-4, R-4A, R-4B, R-5, PD-H and R-5 zoning districts.
- Why: This ordinance will allow the staff of the Office of Zoning and Development to reduce the required setback on property administratively to preserve trees. This ordinance is companion legislation to 24-O-1692, the Tree Protection Ordinance update.
- Z-25-05: to amend the Zoning Ordinance to further define and clarify a “Party House” as companion amendment of Land Development Code – Short Term Rental (24-O-1687)
- Background: Ordinance 19-O-1393 was created to combat the rise of incidents of “Party House” incidents in which short-term rentals were utilized to host events that were a nuisance to the surrounding area. The Ordinance was created to give Atlanta’s Law Enforcement the means to prosecute bad actors related to these violations. There were no Zoning Regulations on the Party House usage which made it difficult for responding APD Officers to charge offending individuals.
- Update: The update provides a clearer definition both of the definition for “Party House” as well as an easier to read chart for the zoning designations. This allows APD Officers an easy-to-reference guide for enforcement, making their job easier.
Topic: Zoning Agenda – February 2025
Time: Feb 5, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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